"I learned about Joy"
"It was empowering and a safe space to express myself"
"I like this program because I get to get things off my chest"
"I needed Writers in Residence, I got to put what was on my mind while no one saying nothing"
"I learned how to cope by using creative writing and there's multiple opportunities to go far with it"
"I know what I need to do to be successful mentally"
Facilitate a smooth transition for youth back into their communities.
1. I am tired of being in Jail 2. I am Resonable 3. I like Birthday cake 4. I like to get my way 5. I am outgoing 6. I will be the greatest African American male role model I posibley can.
It was at 12am on a school night When you were born. I had to help you find where the food was, and this was in the barn. Then the next day was a school day and you almost died that day so we helped you out and got you food and from there on you thought I was your mom and I miss you little one Rip my man Love Mommy
I love cats But some people don’t I hate Jail I am fu**ing sad I hate life so much Sorry I’m sad.
April 16, 2021 Dear Cody, I can be whoever I want to be have learned that people can change and that change can be good, I have amazing Girl. Your kind respectful you cherish everyone who you come across. Don’t let anybody push you around. You are smart and an amazing Person don’t let anybody come in the way between of me and myself. Stay in Contact with God. Love, Cody
My photo is when I was in 5th grade at my last football practice when it was raining and it was all muddy and we were all covered in mud all of my friends smiling and happy. There was a goal post and a big hill with a big fence and all the boys parents were standing behind it.
I see a group of people with a lot of different emotions and a lot of different backgrounds. I see broken bodies, I see mismatch clothes, I see power in their own ways. I see broken homes. I see homelessness, maybe hopelessness. I see Grown kids being forced to be an adult but still a kid in their mind.
This is the kind of world we live in. Where you can’t trust no one The same people that tell you they love you is gone be the same ones that when times get bad holding the pole up to you and your loved ones head yelling bro just give the dough up. (can’t trust no one it’s me vs me)
I remember when we were at the group home and I ran, and you called me from your android phone crying telling me “Please come home” cuz you didn’t want me to get into trouble and I tried to call you back but I had no WIFI so it didn’t go through so I walked down Main Street back to the group home and from that point on I never wanted to hurt you again. Instead, I wanted to protect you from getting hurt cuz you mean the world to me & we have always had each other’s back through thick and thin. I love you Chenny forever. Love, Sam <3